Winter doesn't seem to be over yet, so I decided to write down for you, our basic equipment when traveling, crossing or even just walking in the winter with a still-undating baby.
For the baby:
- Overall – we actually only have one and we just need to. I bought Emma and my jacket, and she wore it all three times. The overalls are just more practical for us.
- Winter jumpsuit – when it's really cold, I put Emma under the jumpsuit yet more of an over-the-top. This one's also from H&M, and it's very nice and warm.
- Hats, gloves, socks – this is just the obvious thing :). I'm sure the cool thing for us is warm socks and noos baby gloves, which you also see in the previous photo. They're beautifully warm!
- Non-promo caps – again from H&M and we wear them all winter 🙂
- Warm hoodie in the car seat – because the jacket does not belong in the car seat. I got a warm hoodie in the F&F, and that's where Emmička gets to the car seat on the fast crossings. (of course I can't find the photo right now, so I'll put it here as soon as I take it!)
- Neckwarmer – for me better than a cup and definitely does not pull on the neck! We got this beautiful one from grandma and he's from Zara.
- Fusak in the stroller and car seat – another thing for pleasant warmth for baby. This one we only have is in a stroller and it's from XXX Lutz for about 700,- and we've got it all winter. When she was a very tiny baby, we had a fusak in a stroller sewn right for Emma. He was from the right wave, and as far as comfort is concerned, a complete stone! The baby was in cotton!
- A warm blanket – whether you put it on a baby in a car seat or still in a stroller, you're not going to spoil anything with a blanket.
- The footstool – this is a great thing not only in winter, but also in autumn and spring, so that the baby does not blow into the stroller. It's usually sold along with a stroller, but they can be bought differently.
- Raincoat – fits not only when it rains, but just when it snows and you need to go somewhere necessarily. We've got britax on our stroller.
- Thermos – if you're going on a longer trip, be sure to remember drinking for a mimcho in a thermos. For example, you can buy this one from Tommee Tippee (I just like this brand) in the e-shop Prodě
For Mommy/Daddy
- Sleeve – I recommend this especially for the comfort of moms and dads. For me, the best invention for my parents! 🙂 Protects against snow, rain, winter, wind. Just number one! We have from a great Czech manufacturer Pinkie. They have a lot of beautiful things on their e-shop! Not only sleeves, but also gloves on the handle of the stroller. That's something that's probably even better for the big winter.
- And here are a few more of my essentials for winter: hand cream (I use RItuals), lip balm (Labello), gloves, caps, winter shoes…
Other things that don't make use of the baby in the winter season.
- Jacket with a pocket for the carrier – we are unfortunately non-wearable, so you will not find this in our winter collection.
- Shoes – and since we don't walk yet, we don't even need winter shoes
Well, that's our collection of things for the winter. And what's yours like? 🙂
Ahoj, jmenuju se Verča a svůj blog Máma na cestách jsem si založila v létě 2017. Píšu sem články se spousty tipy, kam s dětmi vyrazit, itineráře z různých koutů světa (Nový Zéland, Dubaj, Slovinsko, aj), ale taky články o starostech všedních dní na mateřské.
Cestujeme často v rámci house sittingu, díky kterému šetříme na cestách statisíce korun ročně.
Taky většinou cestujeme sami na vlastní pěst, protože nechceme být s dětmi vázaní cestovní kanceláří. Což ale neznamená, že služby cestovní kanceláře někdy nevyužijeme.
Cílem blogu je motivovat všechny rodiče k tomu, aby se ani s dítětem nevzdávali svých přání a šli si za svými sny. Ať už je to cestování, nebo cokoliv jiného.